Mission Endowment
Our Call
Giving through accumulated, inherited, and appreciated resources may be called "asset stewardship." A Christian is called out of the Water and Word of Baptism to respond faithfully to God's grace in Christ. God has acted in love towards us, calling us to respond with acts of kindness towards others.
As people of God, just as we are encouraged to give proportionately for the Lord's work from our income annually, so we are encouraged to give proportionately from our accumulated resources during life or at death. As "asset stewards" planning for the distribution of all lifetime accumulations, we take a vital step in completing our stewardship plan.
Gifts to Expand Ministry
The purpose of the Fund is to enhance the mission outreach of Hope Lutheran Church asdeemed fit and wise by a committee made up of
Hope Lutheran Church members. The purpose of the Hope Lutheran Mission Endowment Fund committee will be to:
by sharing the mission and vision of the endowment fund to help members see how the fund fulfills the congregation's mission statement
to make Christ known in the world.
by providing events and programs whichassist in each member's personal journey of realizing their charitable dream.
by inviting individuals for their commitment to the mission endowment fund. Both current and planned gifts of accumulated assetscan be beneficial.
by celebrating the gift of giving within the life of the congregation.
About the Fund
What is the Fund?
The principal amount of gifts and bequests to the fund are retained inside the Fund. After an initial$50,000.00 in Fund principal is reached, 5.5% of income from the Fund will be distributed annually. Any balance of income will be retained to increase the base amount of Fund principle allowing for increased disbursement in subsequent years. All disbursements will be used for outreach. No portion of the income generated by the Fund is used for the annual operation or capital budgets of the congregation.
How is the Fund managed?
The Fund Committee is the custodian of the Fund.The committee consists of five members of HopeLutheran Church, elected on a rotating basis. The Senior Pastor is an advisory member of the committee. As circumstances dictate, the committee willdetermine an appropriate course of investment to achieve the mission outreach goals of the congregation through the Fund.
What will the Fund do for our congregation?
Hope Lutheran Church, through its mission statement and through its teachings is committed to outreach. The Mission Endowment Fund does not replace the amounts designated within the annual budget to various outreach recipients; rather, it increases the congregation's ability to fund outreach in a manner appropriate andsensitive to the desires of the local congregation.
Who will benefit?
Currently, when the minimum fund balance is reached, funds will be distributed according to the following formula:
40% Local Ministry Outreach
40% Worldwide Ministry Outreach
10% Extraordinary programs/ministry initiatives within Hope Lutheran Church
10% Committee discretion to any of the above three categories
The responsibility to define the specific ministries/programs which will receive distributions will be that of the committee.
How do I participate?
There are a number of ways in which you can give to the Mission Endowment Fund, including:
Outright gifts –cash, stocks, bonds real estate, or assignment of life insurance policies.
Remainder interest –naming the Fund as a remainder interest in a retirement plan, IRA, Keogh account, savings account, certificate of deposit, life estate (home), charitable life income remainder/trust/annuity, or revocable living trust.
Bequests (the giving of assets through a will):
Specific/primary bequests of a dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a specific piece of property.
Residuary bequests, which designate the
Fund to receive the remainder of your estate after all specific bequests, have been made.
Contingent bequests, which designate the Fund as the beneficiary if other beneficiaries do not survive.
Outright gifts, remainder interests, and bequests can also be received in memory or in honor of someone.
Unless specifically instructed by the donor, gifts will be unspecified towards use. Because needs change and for accounting reasons, it is encouraged and expected that most gifts to the Fund be unspecified towards use. The income from such unspecified gifts will be used for the outreach purposes described earlier.
Who to contact
When you desire to make a direct cash contribution to the Hope Lutheran Mission Endowment Fund, drop off or mail your check to the Church office. Checks should be made payable to the Hope Lutheran Mission Endowment Fund.
For gifts in forms other than cash, or for further information, please contact the Church office, the senior Pastor, the Church treasurer, any member of the Fund committee, your attorney, insurance agent, and/or your financial advisor.
Confidentiality will be respected. Contributing to the Hope Lutheran Mission Endowment Fund can be a rewarding and relatively simple opportunity for all of us to participate in God's great commission, "Go then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples."
Matthew 28:19.
Copies of the Hope Lutheran Mission Endowment Fund document are available at the church office. Feel free to call or stop by the office for a copy to share with your financial advisor or attorney.
The Mission Endowment Fund brochure is not intended for legal advice. For legal advice, consult your attorney.