Youth and adult education look to reach everyone where they are. Find an opportunity to enrich your faith.
Sunday School
Sunday School classes meet each Sunday from 10:15-11:00am. Sunday School is for children 3-years old through 6th grade.

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is held each summer, usually in July. Please watch for information about VBS 2024.
Wednesday School
Wednesday School meets each Wednesday from 3:30-4:45pm. This is for students in PK-6th grades. Elementary students can ride Bus 9 from LES to the church but will need a bus pass signed by a parent or guardian. Please contact Laurie Lemke if your 6th grader will need transportation.
Adult Education
There are many adult education opportunities held throughout the year. These include Sunday morning Bible studies, a monthly book discussion group, video presentations and other special events. Please check the monthly newsletter for details.
Confirmation is an educational ministry of Hope Lutheran Church, designed to help students understand and affirm the Christian faith, and participate more fully in the life and mission of the church, along with their families. Instruction usually begins in the 7th grade and concludes with Affirmation of Baptism in the fall of the 9th grade year.
Students who have completed Confirmation instruction will affirm the faith of their baptisms on Reformation Sunday (the last Sunday in October).